Community Announcements Process and Policy

Many dance groups wish to announce their dances at our dance. We have had to limit the number of announcements because of the time it takes to make them. This is our process for selection of announcements and the format for submitting announcements.

We limit the number of announcements to FOUR events each night.

Selection of announcements. In order to limit the number of of announcements, we prioritize

  • Contra and square dances in the area, including local dances at which the band at the current dance will be playing

  • Dances at Glen Echo hosted or managed by members of our contra dance community, especially Glen Echo-sponsored dances

  • Concerts by bands playing at our dances

Timing of announcements

  • We reserve the right to limit the number of announcements each night. This means that we will focus on announcements for dances in the immediate future, especially the same weekend that the announcement is given. If we have time available, announcements for the following weekend may be given.

  • We reserve the right to prioritize special dances, especially contra dances at Glen Echo such as ContraStock and HashDance. These dances and FND-sponsored dances may be announced several weeks in advance.

Submission of announcements

  • The FND Late Manager will deliver the announcements.

  • Please submit your announcement to no later than Wednesday prior to the Friday at which the announcement will be delivered.

  • Please limit the text of your announcement to 1) name of sponsoring group, 2) time and date of the event, 3) a VERY brief description of the event, 4) location of the event, and a 5) web address for information. If a representative of the sponsoring group will be present at the announcement, please provide that person’s name.

  • We reserve the right to edit the text of the announcement.

Adopted 10/14/2024